The dates contain 25% sucrose, 50% glucose, and albuminous substances, pectin and water. It also contains various vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, E and some mineral salts.
Types of dates

Hearty and gourmet
The Mazafati dates are one of the most delicious and most cultivating types of dates in the world. These dates, which are most commonly used as rootstock, are sufficient meat, attractive black color and relatively high humidity, between 15% and 35%, depending on the time of harvest from the tree and the planting site. and that is why few people can be found to feel very well after eating a seed of the Mazatifi dates.

piaromPearm dates are the most expensive dates in Iran. The dates of the dates are semi-dry and late. In the group of semi-arid dates. Most of the
glucose present in it is fructose, which is easily and quickly used in the metabolism of the body and is very suitable for use by people with diabetes

This variety is also known as sugar beet and sugar candy in different regions. One of the most trusted export stamps of Khuzestan. The ability to keep this figure is high. This date variety is picked up on the tree several times. In Iran there is no domestic use. In addition to Khuzestan (Shadegan, Khoramshahr, Abadan, Ahvaz, Behbahan), its cultivation zones are also located in Baraz Jan, Kazeroon, Darab. In terms of the importance of grade four and the importance of fruit in the Khuzestan area and the first and second grade is considered second. Most used in roast and dates. Oval fruit has an average weight of 9.77 grams with soft texture, a yellowish color, a shell thickness of modest, a fruit-to-core ratio of 7.93. The core is oval in bright brown color, the degree of adhesion of the core to the fruit is low. The Kharg arrives in August, but harvesting fruit is complete in late September. The stickiness of the warhead to the fruit is low

This figure, called Samarran, Sambrun, Sambaron in different regions, is about 70-80% of Khuzestan province. It has a lot of business value and is one of the most important export figures in Khuzestan province. One of the most important characteristics of this figure is its semi-dryness, which increases its maintenance and this property has made it the most suitable commercial and export figure in Iran. Its fruit is oval and sometimes rectangular with an average weight of 8.31 grams, with medium (semi-arid), bright yellow fruit color, at full-fruited stages of amber and brown-reddish browns. The thickness of the skin is thick and thick in the Samarrans, and is rather thick and harsh. The proportion of flesh to the core is 6.71. The edible part of the fruit is sweet and somewhat tasteless (in the early stages of the rutab), the degree of adhesion of the nucleus to the small fruit, the arrival of Khar on August 25, but the harvest of the fully-fruited fruit takes place in the middle of September to September. The stickiness of the warhead to the fruit is low
This figure is called different names in different regions. In Minab Shawni, Firooz Abad Shony and in Haji Abad, Bandar Abbas, is called Khorn Shani. Shahani dates are one of the most important and most abundant cultivars in Fars province. About 95% of the palm trees of Jahrom (one of the most important cities of Persian dates) are included. It is part of soft dates, but is used in some places as dry dates. A number between clay is late and very desirable. This cultivar, the second Iranian cultivar, is distributed in different parts of the country, including in different cities of Fars province (especially Jahrom), also cultivated in Jiroft, Kahnuj, Hajiabad, Saravan and Tabas. Due to its high-flavored sweets, it is full of domestic consumption. The fruit of the Shahani is narrow and has a narrow tip. The color of the root is brownish. It is also sweet, and some of the Shahani product is consumed as Khar. The best type of non-planted shrines in Jahrom is produced, and in this area are considered "more" cultivars

Zahedi variety is similar to Dirie cultivar. In some areas, it is a semi-dry variety. It has been named as a shop in some parts of the country. In many parts of the country, especially in Khuzestan, Fars, Bushehr and Kermanshah Province, it is also cultivated on a high level. The most important expansion area is Bushthehr. The fruit is yellow in the stage of the yellow golden color, in a bright brown rosacea and in the stage of growing (dates) (brown to red to yellow). Zahedi Yashedi means abundant and cheap in Arabic. Exports are fruit-shaped, oval-shaped, and the ends are quite thin and sharp. It is a very good variety and has good storage facilities, and its transportation is very easy and comes from export figures. Due to the high sugar content of Zahedi from industrial cultivars it is used for the preparation of alcohol, vinegar, and the proportion of meat of Zahdari fruit to the core is 6.35. Zahedi core, oval, brown color, The kernel breeding takes place in the middle fruit and the Khar arrives early in September, but full harvest is taking place in late September, and the amount of sticking to the fruit is moderate, which dates to almost all southern provinces. Dates of Zahedi are classified as dry dates, and the digits are late and the amount of them is high. This date is planted in Braz Jan, Kazeroon, Firoozabat, Bushehr, Jahrom, Lar, Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, and also in Iraq and the United States
Kababab cultivar is one of the most important and most abundant cultivars in Kheshti and Karmarj, Kazeroun and Dashtestan (Borazjan). This cultivar is also highly cultivated in other date-rich areas such as Khormoj, Behbahan, Kazeroon, Jahrom, and Tabas. Kebab Behban is very sweet and it is smaller than the Kabkaab and is sober. The size of the cabbage cubec is very coarse, the raw amount of Khalk (Kharg) this figure is not applicable. So you have to bake and dry it for consumption. The color of the fruit is in the Khark's stage and the yellow drop let, and in full appearance it becomes dark brown. It is more consumed in dormant and palm conditions. In terms of economic significance in Iran after the Sa'mran, Shahani, and Mazafati. It is considered as the "more" cultivar. Oval fruit weighs about 15 grams, with a semi-artistic texture and bright yellow, with thick shell thickness. The proportion of flesh to the core is 9.25. Oval core, narrow and stretched, gray, the amount of adhesion of the core to the fruit is high. The Kharg arrives in late August, but the harvest is full of its fruits (dates) in the middle of September. The attachment rate of the warhead to the fruit is high

Rabbi is one of the most important cultivars of Sistan and Baluchestan province. Of importance, after Sha'mran, Shahani, Mazafati and Kobab. In Iranshahr, Zabol, Bahar and Saravan wells are planted. Its fruit is fairly large, its red color and its bitter green color. Its full arrival time is at the same time as Mazafati. In Iranshahr and Zabul it is good in terms of excellent quality and well in spring and Saravan wells..