Tea prevents the formation of blood clots in the main arteries. Plaques are actually a combination of dangerous fat and cholesterol. Dutch researchers concluded that faluntoids in black tea reduce LDL-cholesterol, which can lead to heart and brain damage. In addition, men who drink more than 4 cups of black tea daily are far less like ly to have a stroke than men who only take two to three cups of black tea per day. Each cup of tea has between 0 and 200
mg flavonoids. In addition, the flavonoid content of black tea is just as much green tea
Perhaps one of the most obscure things for traditional tea (black) and pure Iranian green tea enthusiasts is the lack of familiarity with the names and forms of tea in the north. The traditional tea and green of the north are divided into four general categories, and the tea form represents the name of the tea, and the name of each tea also reflects its flavor. Here, picturing the different names of the North tea will be described by putting the young juvenile tea
Squirrel Tea

Sweet tea is a complex shape and has a bitter taste and a bitter taste than other Iranian teas. Searl's tea is of high quality and flavor, and is very well- like d in the sweet and delicious taste. This type of tea is produced only in spring.
Premium Tea

The distinguished tea has a higher degree of bitterness and bitterness than tea. The amount of natural tea produced in Iran is ranked first. This tea is the most consumable Iranian tea among Iranian people.

Broken tea

Broken tea is a mixture of Iranian tea types. In fact, this flaky, smooth tea and other types of tea have a smaller size, and because of this unnatural, it has become famous for broken tea. The high quality chocolate tea also has a great taste and flavor.

Spring tea is also one of the other names of Iranian tea, which is often heard and seen in the naming of tea. This name refers to the seasoned spring
tea. As you know, the North Sea Tea product is produced in spring, summer and autumn, and spring tea is called Spring Products. The color of the spring tea is more intense, its taste is bitter and its taste is even more dense.