What is Saffron
Saffron with the name of the general saffron and the scientific name crocus sativus is the most precious crop on the planet, and is the only plant that sells it instead of tons and kilograms of ash and warm.
Saffron from the lily family and in the Mediterranean and western Asia, from latitude 30 to 50 degrees north and longitude 10 in west to 80 degrees east in very rainy regions of Iran - Turan, which has a cold winter and hot summer without having Precipitation is in the early fall of the fall. The most prominent feature of this plant is its flowering before any other vegetative body. Starting its growth in autumn. End of Growth in the Spring. The lack of fertilizer seeds, despite the production of a large full flower and the need for flower harvesting in the early morning before the warming of the air. Reproduction of saffron is exclusively commonplace by the basal gland (corme). Harvesting involves placing flowers and removing stitches from other parts of the flower and finally drying the stigmas. The average yield of saffron in the case of full compliance with the principles of cultivation is about 10 kilos of saffron dry per hectare of saffron type batch. The life span of flowers is about 3 to 4 days, with an average of 2170 flowers per hectolitre of flowers, and from each 78 kg of flowers, typically 1 kg of bacon saffron (cream with cream) is obtained to prepare 1 kg of saffron The needle requires about 105 kg of flowers and needs about 103 kilograms of saffron to make 1 kilo of premium marmalade saffron (the maximum remaining creamy length is attached to the stitch less than 3 millimeters). The most important parameter is after harvesting of flowers and separating the stigmas. The quality of saffron is the method of drying the stitch, which should be in a clean environment in a short time (about 2 to 3 hours) and at a temperature of about 50 to 60 degrees centigrade in that Electrical is done. The Spanish drying method (electro-heater) is in the next order, followed by a microwave drying method.
At present, all phases of flower harvesting, stitching and saffron technology are hand-picked.
The three branches of saffron are the most important part of the trade. This part of the flower contains fatty substances. Mineral salts and mucilages. The aroma of saffron is due to the presence of tropenic extract oil and an oxygenate combination with a cineol called Safra Nal. and the grazing of saffron is related to the bitter heterozydois of picrocrocin. The color of the saffron is related to the presence of a substance called Crocin.
The best way to isolate the material in saffron for domestic consumption is to dissolve saffron powder in a mixture of warm water and liquid oil (with a ratio of one part of the oil and twenty parts of water for half an hour).
The dosage for each person is typically about 1.15 grams per meal.
To maintain saffron, the ideal environment is dry and cool and away from light

Types of Saffron and their differences
Those familiar with saffron know that there are different types of saffron in the market that have different prices. suppliers of this product offer saffron to customers in a variety of categories, among which all three types of products are commonly found in the three words of the bunch, bunch, and squirrel. The basis of all these categories is what part of the field of saffron flower is present in the product. In fact, the type of saffron is not in the division, the place of production or the packaging company or the variety of cultivation of saffron, and this is only the red and yellow section of the saffron.
Separation of saffron in Iran usually involves three main types, and the other types are usually a special case of these three types. Before describing the types of saffron it is necessary to remind that the meaning of the stigma, the red part and the order of the cream, the yellow part of the string saffron

sargol saffron
Beautiful color
Do not stick together
The sponges are completely apart
Stubborn without a white particle and completely red
De script ion: The quality of Saffron Searl is difficult to distinguish and is characterized by two index es of "stitch length" and "absence of mixed white pieces with red color", and are graded to three degrees. So, saffron is one of the most expensive saffron of Shalagh Nugin Super, and saffron Sargol is a third grade of saffron shrub

Saffron Shalal Negin
eautiful color
The pieces do not stick together
Three branches of the stigma are separated
The ends of the stigmas are not white
Do not have any fats

Coriander or white saffron
By separating the saffron from the bunch, the root remains, which is called white saffron or nougat in Iran. In Europe, this is called White (White) or Style (Cream). Contrary to the perception of some people that Corus is more aromatic than Sirger, scientific studies show that the valuable materials of saffron are only in its red walnut. This material (especially crocin as a saffron color agent) is transferred from the stigma to the cream due to the movement of the vegetable tissue. Due to the presence of more moisture in the cream, the appearance of more aroma of cream is reached. Coriander saffron is not classified as a variety of saffron, but due to its beautiful color and appearance, it is not possible to cheat

Saffron bunch
Saffron is one of the main and most basic types of saffron, which is obtained by mixing and drying a whole range of saffron (including stigma and cream). The cream section is typically 3 to 5 mm, and depending on the quality of the saffron, the walnut can be louder or shorter. The strings are arranged either on one side or on one side or on one side. In the one-piece arrangement, the stitches on each other and the creams are put together. In the two-sided arrangement, the stitches are on the sides and the cream is in the middle. In the second case, because the yellow part is in the middle, the stitch attracts more attention. Because the category of saffron is usually done by ladies, saffron sauce is also called saffron, a little parchment or a bunch of sticks.
The right part of the image above shows the category saffron.
Saffron is ranked in the grade of the National Standard Organization as well as Standard 1-259, grade 4 saffron.
The coloring power of saffron is between 120 and 150 units